Monday, April 13, 2020

Milk for my coffee

No coffee without milk for me!! I woke up early and cold this morning so I dressed, made coffee and brought in the paper. Since the DH was not up I got ready for a trip to the grocery store... for the necessary bottle of milk, Bob's bananas, OJ and his CoffeeMate.
More traffic than usual but the grocery store parking lot was reasonably empty... as were the inside aisles. Lots of stocking going on.... no toilet paper to be found... good thing we didn't need it. There were many items put on sale - Easter stuff... tomatoes, cheese etc. I ended up with more than I had anticipated but my philosophy has always been that food will be eaten sooner or later!!
Checking outside at the garden/plant area I noticed that they had covered up lots of the plants. No wonder I woke up cold. Also noticed ice on top of the puddles.

I wore my mask the whole time. I noticed my friend in the fish department did too. I told him I still recognized him.. he laughed and said that the only place he doesn't wear one is in the bank!!

We should be well stocked for at least the week!! I think I'll ask Bob to bake another load of Irish Soda bread tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

I must go grocery shopping tomorrow. The clerk was too grumpy last time.