Tuesday, August 27, 2019

nothing going on

Not much new has happened here... just same old same old.

My PT person switched things around . I am now doing some exercises on machines at the gym plus walking laps. Bob and I went to the "Y" to try out the new regime. It went well but I needed a nap this afternoon! LOL  I am feeling less pain in the "healed" leg and joint so I guess all this work has been worth it!
Our weather has switched to somewhat fall like. No more high temps and super muggy. The weatherman says low 60's in the morning but only getting to high 70's. Nice switch ! I didn't even mind the heavy rainfall we had yesterday. We'll see how long this lasts or whether things switch back....

Everyone came over Saturday night for a combined birthday cake and ice cream affair ... and presents for the younger ones. Both of my daughters and the two grandchildren have summer birthdays but everyone has been so busy that Saturday was the first time we could all get together!!  Nice! It used to be so much easier!!

School has started for my teacher-daughter and the two grandchildren. My grandson has started private lessons on his trombone and my granddaughter has a new PT job ( after school and weekends).

Saturday, August 3, 2019

school supplies

My daughter works for a non-profit that provides all sorts of things for its housing sites ( Phoenix Family.org). One thing it does is provide school supplies in backpacks for the 400 or so students in its sites... to be given out just before school starts this August. If fundraising provides more supplies than needed in August... they are saved for 2nd semester in January - especially, paper, notebooks, pencils and crayons!
Anyway, my daughter, armed with the non-profit's credit card and tax-free card, headed out to Wal-Mart with my husband and me in tow.  We filled ( heaped to almost overflowing!) four large grocery carts with all sorts of supplies. The backpacks had already been purchased through Amazon.  My daughter spends time finding where things are cheapest!
So there we were... counting for the cashier to ring up. Some things had to be counted by color too!! We were so busy that the customers behind us starting counting too!!

The total was "something else" !!

Then Wal-Mart employees helped us to our cars and to unload from carts into our trunks!!

No one complained ! Everyone was excited about the project! Everyone was glad that children would be helped to be ready for school!! Some customers told us about similar projects in their towns and churches!!

Did you know that Crayola puts out a pack of crayons to match all ranges of skin color - truly diverse - so kids can draw people just like themselves??

Now Phoenix Family has to divide up the supplies, put them in backpacks and deliver to the housing sites....!