Saturday, March 7, 2020

sunshine to Angie

Would love to send you some sunshine Angie... but not all !!

The real ID part of the driver's license was not the hard part.... just waiting our turn was!! Our motor vehicle bureau is privately paid for by the state. The employees are pleasant and they know their stuff but there just aren't enough to handle all the people.

Tigger and Jack have decided my bed is the place to be each morning !! I make the bed and Jack ( the gray striped one) slips under the bedding through the hollow between the pillows. Tigger ( the orange one) sleeps on top. Not sure how happy each would be if one knew the other was there. Sleeping near each other is not the thing!

Tomorrow we have plans to grill steaks outside... first time this year!!  It is supposed to get close to 70 !!

Have you seen the warnings about next week ?  Daylight savings time, full moon and Friday the 13th !!

Bought daffodils at the grocery store yesterday... 

1 comment:

Kay said...

Yay! I hope the steaks were delicious! Looks like spring is about here.