Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tigger's goofs

Occasionally Tigger has goofed before but yesterday he "peed" three times where he shouldn't have... twice on a small rug in front of the coffee bar in the dining room and a huge amount in my shower/toilet area!

There's nothing quite so nasty as stepping into a puddle of cat pee !!

We vet cleared him of any medical issues last time and just shrugged his shoulders...

Bob went online last night for some ideas  after I stepped in the puddle and we cleaned it up. We are going to try a new cat litter .. one with crystals in it, It's twice the price..yuck... and with the number of litter boxes we have all over from basement to upstairs ... hopefully this will work. 1 box to start.

So off to Target we went went for this stuff and a bottle of cleaner especially for cat urine and smells...wish us luck..

No it's not due to that male cat issue  of urinary blocking... he gets special food prescribed by the vet for that.

Tigger ... a Wayside Waifs rescue... 2012

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Good luck coming up with a solution to Tigger's issue!