Sunday, June 23, 2024

Grocery store trip and so on

Today is going to be another hot one... The a/c is on and I occasional turn on the bedroom ceiling fan! Tigger lies underneath it!

I decided to do a grocery shop early...Guess lots of other people had the same thought since Aldi's parking lot was full! Someone finished their shop so I could pull into a nice convenient space!

It wasn't only Aldi's parking lot that was full...I noticed others were full as I drove home.

Bob heard my car horn as I pulled into the driveway and he helped bring in my bags ! Everything is put away..

The Blue Springs' page on FB had a complaint this morning about the cost of tomatoes at yesterday's farmer's market... $7.00 for a tomato ! Lots higher than last year's price. The local farmer out in Bates City hasn't mentioned tomatoes yet on his FB page... hoping he will soon. Lots of other tempting things but home grown tomato BLT's are to die for! Can't wait!!

Yesterday I watered everything on the deck... so of course it rained late last evening. I'm sure the plants didn't care that they got extra!!

For exercise and fun, Bob and I went to the Brass Armadillo .. an antique mall about 3 miles East of us off of I70!  I found two things... a great beaded purse just the right size for a large bear and an artist bear made by a friend back in 1996. I went home sweating and exhausted... Bob too.. though he played on his XBox while I took a nap!!

Lili, my grand daughter sent this...

She and her husband were heading to his family reunion down near Branson and  they stopped at the Osceola Cheese store!! 

That's all folks!

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Last week Costco was full of people too, and lines were long.