Thursday, June 27, 2024

another busy morning

 It's been another busy morning... eye doctor appointment to see how my glaucoma is progressing... ( no everything was fine and the glaucoma hasn't gotten any worse.)

Then off to the Kansas side to pick up our finished pottery pieces. The pottery kiln fan had broken and it took awhile to get a new one and install it. Finally all the clay pieces people made could be picked up and taken home. Both Bob and I didn't quite remember our pieces... senior moment? But finally recognized them.

We had also brought some stained glass tools I had promised our clay teacher. She wanted to give making stained glass a try. I made stained glass way back when .... back in the '90's starting  in the '70's !  These things were part of our plans to de-clutter! I still have finished pieces stored  down in the basement!

Well... what will we be watching tonight?  The debate? I have mixed feelings about that.. maybe just wish that DJT just wouldn't show up. There's nothing he could do or say that would change our minds about him.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

He still lies like a thief.