Monday, June 24, 2024

Busy morning

Much to our surprise ( especially since I was still in my pj's and robe) in came our teacher daughter and our grandson. Dominic had mowed his lawn - early since this afternoon is going to be HOT - and now wanted knife sharpening lessons.

So my daughter and I chit chatted, drank coffee  while Bob and Dominic worked on the knives.

After they left I got dressed etc and we headed out... first to the Farmer's place in Bates City for green beans, onions and potatoes - big and small. No tomatoes yet...the farmer says this has been a strange year. Then to the Oak Grove vet to pick an order for Older daughter's dogs. One thing for flea and tick prevention and the other for Harper to help her during the fireworks... the noise really does a number on Harper!! Not so for Scout...

Then home... where I spent "forever" cutting off the ends of the green beans. I'm sure it will be worth it at dinner time!!

The beans were worth it! Spent the afternoon finishing a book... how decadent!

ps... did manage to go out for the mail and take the trash bin down to the end of the driveway for tomorrow's pickup.. waited till it got dark and a bit cooler. FIREFLIES were out... first I've seen this year!

1 comment:

Kay said...

That's so cool! I've not seen fireflies in ages. There are no fireflies in Hawaii.