Monday, June 10, 2024

new litter

 Well.. one of them - Tigger or Jack - used the new litter which is  strange stuff. It is a crystalline stuff and noisy when a cat is in the litter box. Bob says it's sort of like coarse sand.

So far ( knock on wood) no new goofs.

Tigger is getting to be really good at getting outside to the deck when either on of us goes in or out. I wouldn't mind him being on the deck if we could just barricade the steps, but we are afraid he would jump down to the ground , 14 steps away, from the deck railing. He gets up and down from the fridge but that's not as high.

He's 12 years or so and 14 pounds... not fat but big. So we have to snatch him back when he gets out!!

We had hot dogs last night for dinner.. much to Tigger's delight...Salmon the night before, also to his delight. He sits on the dining table next to my placemat and WATCHES

Yes, I know. Not very hygienic but impossible to prevent.

1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

Kitty seems to have a wide range of food preferences! Hope the noisy litter keeps working. Linda in Kansas