Friday, June 7, 2024

no new kindle books

 When I looked at my credit card statement I discovered a small charge from someone I had never heard of.  I called the number on my credit card and explained my concerns. Then we went through all the charges after the weird one and discovered there were more that the credit card company had not put on my statement....

If I remember correctly there were 6 .. the highest amount was $65. We closed down my card.. and a new one is on its way!

This card it the one that sits at my computer desk and I use it for all my online charges... so until I have the new card no more books for my Kindle ...

Plus I am a sustaining member for the PBS station here and the NPR here and the PBS in Wichita. I will have to call them with the new numbers. Luckily that's it!!

BTW... an email from the credit card company says they are investigating the fraud charges...don't forget to check your statements !

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I'm glad I get the books I read on my iPad from the Mid-Continent Public Library. I don't like to pay for anything I don't have to. They have all the current books, although sometimes you have to wait in line to get the book. I've never had a driver's license. I've always loved to read, but we have always lived in the country, so I had no way to get to the library. I am so thankful now that I can sit in my easy chair, pick up the iPad, check out a book, and read it; no worries about turning the book in late, because after three weeks, it goes back home automatically. The only time I went to the library was to get my library card.