Sunday, June 30, 2024

Interesting happening

 I was working on a bear in our family room and Bob was puttering around when he found a little girl , about 5 or 6 , climbing up the inside stairs!!The tale she told Bob was that she was riding her trike looking for someone and felt our house would be where this person was!!

Bob walked her  (Rose) and her bike towards the end of our cul-de-sac... no small kids at our end! And told her she should not go somewhere without telling her parents.

Bob found the father cleaning and fileting fish at the corner house... probably Rose's grandparents' house. When Bob told him about Rose he was pretty blase... more interested in the fish. But Rose's Mom wasn't!!

Then  Rose said she was going to ride her trike and find this person ( again)..Dad pretty quickly said "no" !

Some kids are pretty adventurous .. we had one that would disappear at a moments notice .Especially in department stores... clothing racks were her special hiding places.

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