Friday, June 21, 2024

No accidents but still yowling

 Tigger hasn't had any accidents but still goes around yowling. We do call to him and he joins us wherever we are...

Weather has been hot with a little rain... so we have the a/c coping. I also turn on the bedroom ceiling fan to keep air moving. Tigger will sleep on the floor underneath it ! Bob turned it off one afternoon because no one was upstairs.. Tigger not happy!!

Tomorrow... farmers' market


Kathy G said...

Tigger may be getting a touch of dementia where he can't remember exactly where he is and needs your familiar voices to center him.

DrumMajor said...

I was just thinking the same thing: cat dementia? I guess the vet could tell if his vision was diminishing; maybe his hearing? Does he need a night light by his litter box? Glad you're patient with him. Linda in Kansas