Friday, June 28, 2024


Took my grocery list and with Bob's assurance that even if things were gray and windy, there would be no rain. Well.. he was WRONG! I filled my trunk with grocery stuff and my purse with birthday cards for my daughter and grand daughter and headed home! As I turned into my cul-de-sac it started to pour!

After I honked for Bob to help me unload, I decided to wait the rain out.. No luck... he stood at the top of the steps and watched me dash inside. We decided that nothing would spoil and that we would wait it out inside!!

Awhile later we unloaded the car with just minor rain and got things into the house and put away!!

Guess I won't have to water the plants today!! 

Spent the afternoon reading and then cut out a big teddy bear...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

another busy morning

 It's been another busy morning... eye doctor appointment to see how my glaucoma is progressing... ( no everything was fine and the glaucoma hasn't gotten any worse.)

Then off to the Kansas side to pick up our finished pottery pieces. The pottery kiln fan had broken and it took awhile to get a new one and install it. Finally all the clay pieces people made could be picked up and taken home. Both Bob and I didn't quite remember our pieces... senior moment? But finally recognized them.

We had also brought some stained glass tools I had promised our clay teacher. She wanted to give making stained glass a try. I made stained glass way back when .... back in the '90's starting  in the '70's !  These things were part of our plans to de-clutter! I still have finished pieces stored  down in the basement!

Well... what will we be watching tonight?  The debate? I have mixed feelings about that.. maybe just wish that DJT just wouldn't show up. There's nothing he could do or say that would change our minds about him.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Busy morning

Much to our surprise ( especially since I was still in my pj's and robe) in came our teacher daughter and our grandson. Dominic had mowed his lawn - early since this afternoon is going to be HOT - and now wanted knife sharpening lessons.

So my daughter and I chit chatted, drank coffee  while Bob and Dominic worked on the knives.

After they left I got dressed etc and we headed out... first to the Farmer's place in Bates City for green beans, onions and potatoes - big and small. No tomatoes yet...the farmer says this has been a strange year. Then to the Oak Grove vet to pick an order for Older daughter's dogs. One thing for flea and tick prevention and the other for Harper to help her during the fireworks... the noise really does a number on Harper!! Not so for Scout...

Then home... where I spent "forever" cutting off the ends of the green beans. I'm sure it will be worth it at dinner time!!

The beans were worth it! Spent the afternoon finishing a book... how decadent!

ps... did manage to go out for the mail and take the trash bin down to the end of the driveway for tomorrow's pickup.. waited till it got dark and a bit cooler. FIREFLIES were out... first I've seen this year!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Grocery store trip and so on

Today is going to be another hot one... The a/c is on and I occasional turn on the bedroom ceiling fan! Tigger lies underneath it!

I decided to do a grocery shop early...Guess lots of other people had the same thought since Aldi's parking lot was full! Someone finished their shop so I could pull into a nice convenient space!

It wasn't only Aldi's parking lot that was full...I noticed others were full as I drove home.

Bob heard my car horn as I pulled into the driveway and he helped bring in my bags ! Everything is put away..

The Blue Springs' page on FB had a complaint this morning about the cost of tomatoes at yesterday's farmer's market... $7.00 for a tomato ! Lots higher than last year's price. The local farmer out in Bates City hasn't mentioned tomatoes yet on his FB page... hoping he will soon. Lots of other tempting things but home grown tomato BLT's are to die for! Can't wait!!

Yesterday I watered everything on the deck... so of course it rained late last evening. I'm sure the plants didn't care that they got extra!!

For exercise and fun, Bob and I went to the Brass Armadillo .. an antique mall about 3 miles East of us off of I70!  I found two things... a great beaded purse just the right size for a large bear and an artist bear made by a friend back in 1996. I went home sweating and exhausted... Bob too.. though he played on his XBox while I took a nap!!

Lili, my grand daughter sent this...

She and her husband were heading to his family reunion down near Branson and  they stopped at the Osceola Cheese store!! 

That's all folks!

Friday, June 21, 2024

No accidents but still yowling

 Tigger hasn't had any accidents but still goes around yowling. We do call to him and he joins us wherever we are...

Weather has been hot with a little rain... so we have the a/c coping. I also turn on the bedroom ceiling fan to keep air moving. Tigger will sleep on the floor underneath it ! Bob turned it off one afternoon because no one was upstairs.. Tigger not happy!!

Tomorrow... farmers' market

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 We have been trying very hard to call to Tigger every time he yowls... he does come running from where ever  he is. So far no new accidents... maybe it's working??

Yesterday was the start of the family birthdays... yesterday was my niece's birthday, Wed. is my grandson's, next is my younger daughter, then my grand daughter ,followed by my nephew and then older daughter!! Happy birthday to all!!

Monday, June 17, 2024

another goof

 Well.. Tigger had another goof on one of the rugs in the bigger bathroom. Not sure when...we  have been trying the calling to him when he yowls.

When this started Bob did take him to the vet.. absolutely nothing wrong physically..lots of tests and even an x-ray. The vet was totally puzzled.

Aside from Tigger and his accidents, life has been as usual. Weather typical summer stuff.. hotter that usual. We are adjusting to not having our neighbor's oak providing shade on the deck.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tigger's Yowling

 Our daughter said one of her cats chirps ( she doesn't mewl or yowl) when she can't find anyone and we all decided that maybe Tigger's yowling may be why he's been peeing.. a sign of stress.  He doesn't know where his people are... so when he yowls we will call to him and he has been joining us. 

Fingers crossed

Saturday, June 15, 2024

another goof

 Another goof... this time not on a little rug but on my bedroom rug...oh-h rats... last night just before bedtime. Cleaned up with the special rug cleaner that copes with oders

He's been doing a lot of yowling today.... there are loads of litter boxes ... basement, work room, bedroom.. Nothing seems to be wrong with his eyes or nose.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Another huge accident

Found another huge accident... Tigger peeded on the little rug by the front door. Another rubber backed one used to wipe one shoes. The "puddle" was so big it ran from out under the rug onto the linoleum in the entry ...

Rats... he's been sleeping alot but still eating and loved a small amount from my hamburger.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Onward...with Tigger's "problem"

 Thought we were coping. Turns out that "no" we aren't. The new litter has been used a little and being crystalline it's hard to tell... but this afternoon I found Tigger had another "accident" by the coffee bar in the dining room.

It must have been a huge "pee".. the wet area was close to 20 inches!! Luckily he still uses the little rug.
I washed it and took it out on the deck to dry. 

Bob is going to use the the carpet cleaner on the actual carpet under the rug  at bedtime so it can dry over night.  Again it must have been some accident if the urine went went through the little rug with its rubber backing to the room carpet.


We're talking about another visit to the vet over this... to us he doesn't seem up to par as well.

He did manage to sneak out onto the front steps as I was going out for the mail. Snatched up the "lunk" and tossed him back into the house. I swear he weighs more than 14 lbs

Monday, June 10, 2024

new litter

 Well.. one of them - Tigger or Jack - used the new litter which is  strange stuff. It is a crystalline stuff and noisy when a cat is in the litter box. Bob says it's sort of like coarse sand.

So far ( knock on wood) no new goofs.

Tigger is getting to be really good at getting outside to the deck when either on of us goes in or out. I wouldn't mind him being on the deck if we could just barricade the steps, but we are afraid he would jump down to the ground , 14 steps away, from the deck railing. He gets up and down from the fridge but that's not as high.

He's 12 years or so and 14 pounds... not fat but big. So we have to snatch him back when he gets out!!

We had hot dogs last night for dinner.. much to Tigger's delight...Salmon the night before, also to his delight. He sits on the dining table next to my placemat and WATCHES

Yes, I know. Not very hygienic but impossible to prevent.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tigger's goofs

Occasionally Tigger has goofed before but yesterday he "peed" three times where he shouldn't have... twice on a small rug in front of the coffee bar in the dining room and a huge amount in my shower/toilet area!

There's nothing quite so nasty as stepping into a puddle of cat pee !!

We vet cleared him of any medical issues last time and just shrugged his shoulders...

Bob went online last night for some ideas  after I stepped in the puddle and we cleaned it up. We are going to try a new cat litter .. one with crystals in it, It's twice the price..yuck... and with the number of litter boxes we have all over from basement to upstairs ... hopefully this will work. 1 box to start.

So off to Target we went went for this stuff and a bottle of cleaner especially for cat urine and smells...wish us luck..

No it's not due to that male cat issue  of urinary blocking... he gets special food prescribed by the vet for that.

Tigger ... a Wayside Waifs rescue... 2012

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Donna and the library

 Donna ... I have gotten books via online from our library system (Mid Continent Public Library).. But some of the books I like aren't I spend 99 cents via Amazon ! Ones I really like I can "store" in my kindle!

Bob prefers actual books so he orders them... the library sends him a "hold" email and off he goes.  Blue Springs has two branches... one north... one south! Aren't we spoiled?

Grain Valley ... about 2 miles East of BS .. has a super new library! Really big , open and with a huge meeting room!

Friday, June 7, 2024

no new kindle books

 When I looked at my credit card statement I discovered a small charge from someone I had never heard of.  I called the number on my credit card and explained my concerns. Then we went through all the charges after the weird one and discovered there were more that the credit card company had not put on my statement....

If I remember correctly there were 6 .. the highest amount was $65. We closed down my card.. and a new one is on its way!

This card it the one that sits at my computer desk and I use it for all my online charges... so until I have the new card no more books for my Kindle ...

Plus I am a sustaining member for the PBS station here and the NPR here and the PBS in Wichita. I will have to call them with the new numbers. Luckily that's it!!

BTW... an email from the credit card company says they are investigating the fraud charges...don't forget to check your statements !

Monday, June 3, 2024

Tree Day

The tree guys were due here this morning at 8... and they did. Unloaded lots of equipment and men and went to work..

Bob, our younger daughter and I settled down to watch!

The men took down the two gates into our backyard and drove a huge boom truck there!


As they cut off logs they were hauled our front to a truck. The last thing was cutting down the limbless trunk... as it landed the whole ground shook. The trunk was cut into manageable pieces and hauled off.... and they cut down the stump to the ground.

They contracted with my neighbor to handle his other trees . When they were done they moved onto the limbs that fell and were still hanging on our huge maple.

The cats esp. Tigger were not too happy with the chainsaws' noise and the diesel smell! I will be glad when it' s all done!!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

graduation dinner

We all went to a local Thai restaurant to celebrate the grands' graduations. Dominic from high school... off to  UMKC at the end of summer. Lili received her assoc. degree from the local community college  ( she will have her BA from UMKC) in a year or so!

We are all proud of both of them...

It was nice to sit around the table and eat and drink and talk!!

Tree guy... and daughter

 The tree guy came ( with his little daughter) and with Bob and our neighbor on the other side of the fence discussed what needed to be done!

He will be back Monday to take our  oak limbs and go up the huge maple and cut down the "hangers" and check what else the tree needs doing.

The he will work on our neighbor's tree - it's  the "owner" of the limb on the picture. The tree lost several big limbs this time and another one years ago so it will probably be taken down.

That tree was the shade for our deck... I will miss it.

Wonder what the chain link fence under all the oak limbs will look like?