Friday, July 24, 2020

boy is it hot!!

Not doing much at all. It has been so hot. We went out for a short walk - the walking track at our hospital. We took water and masks ( just in case we met someone). We managed one lap.... the thermometer in the car registered 97.
Today is almost as hot. We managed a trip to the grocery store. We separated - Bob did the cat stuff : food, litter etc. I managed the rest. We met up for birthday cards and the checkout lines. I was glad to take my mask off when I closed the car door and relaxed in the air conditioning!! I was glad to let Bob get gas on the way home!!

So far the blog changes are small.... some things haven't changed at all. At least not to my mind. Fingers crossed that I am right!
Here's my passport photo ... 1951
my grand daughter Lili finger painting ... about age 2

Wear masks... stay home... social distancing.... stay safe


Joanne Noragon said...

Wow. A red headed grandbaby. Nothing better.

Bettina Groh said...

Except when she dyes it black!!