Friday, July 31, 2020

still wet

It rained and rained all day yesterday...our "swimming" pools were filled again. Luckily the newspaper delivery people have figured out ( finally) the best places to throw our two papers.... and how to miss the pool in the front yard.
It rained again last night ... and it won't surprise me it we have more today. At least the temperature is lower even though quite humid.  Didn't have to water... again!!

So we have had to find things to do inside. I worked on things for the next online show and Bob played video games, "interacted" with his fellow ham operators online and worked on his radio workbench. Kept him occupied and out of the way!!  LOL

Earlier we headed out to do errands - Post Office, farmers' veggie stand and Target for the cat's prescription pills - hoping to get done before the next batch of rain. Success!!
I've turned the cucumbers from the veggie stand into sour cream, radish and dill salad. It is sitting in the fridge "marinating".

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

I love cucumbers any way. Maybe in one of my pots next year.