Thursday, May 7, 2020

salad recipe a keeper

The Polish cucumber salad recipe is a keeper.... except for the fact that my mandolin always manages to slice my fingers each time I use it!!  But it does slice super thin to not so thin!! Managed not to get any blood in the salad and I had great thin slices of both cucumbers and radishes!!

Tomorrows recipe to try is butternut squash fritters !! The recipe is very much like that for potato pancakes - grated raw squash in stead of potatoes -  and some interesting spices!  I am going to halve the recipe since there are only two of us  and leftover fritters are not my favorite thing.

If we are stuck at home in this pandemic ... at least trying some new things helps!!  

BTW ... even if Missouri "opens" , I am not ready to resume our old lifestyle. Not yet...  Grocery shopping with mask and occasional curb side stuff is it....

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

I think a whole lot of us will take it slow and easy.