Monday, May 25, 2020

Air Conditioning season

The air conditioning is now on.... Bob turned it on over night since the house was hot. The temperature hit 85 yesterday  afternoon. He did climb up into the attic for the two floor fans ( my job was to catch them as he lowered them down ) but I guess he didn't think they did the job... oh well... I was fine...

We took a risk and joined my elder daughter and her husband for dinner last night ( and our grand dog Harper). Great dinner !! Steak, twice baked potatoes, pasta salad, pineapple pretzel salad, pickled beets, roasted green beans with garlic, strawberry cheesecake and apple crostata (  Joanne : my s-i-l loved it). Enough food for an army .. took home some of the leftovers for tonight's dinner!

We sat out on the deck enjoying a pre-dinner hard cranberry lemonade !  After dinner it rained ... good timing on our part!!

It has started thundering outside and there have been some flooding alerts... one day of summer at a time , I guess!

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

Good to get together, isn't it. A/C here, too.