Monday, December 9, 2019

off to the gym and errands

Its a very gray unpleasant looking day... the kind where one curls up with a quilt and a fire.... but I NEED a trip to the gym and the cats need dry food.  So off I went!

I have found that if I skip too many trips to the gym and the recumbent "whatever" , the bike and several machines, the leg that Tigger the Tripper made me break in 4 places, screws and titanium rod regresses.

After fulfilling my leg obligations, I went to the PO to send off some bears and then the grocery store.
My grocery list was short but I cannot resist the bargains/sale items so I came home with a lot more than I really needed... right now. But with holiday baking I will need what I bought later on!!  Always an excuse ... right?!

The online show is almost over... most of the sales are in the first few hours... and I doubt whether there will be more .  But I am pleased!

In between computer watching Bob and I put up the lights ... both in front and on the deck!  And started putting around some of the Christmas stuff!

Our Christmas cards went to the PO too !

1 comment:

Terra said...

Oh dear, your Christmas cards are mailed, now I must get busy and do that. I love that way of keeping in touch with friends and family far and near. My little dog Bounce expects walks twice a day so that keeps me outside and walking, he is a great motivator.