Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Bob and I headed out early to vote... not that we thought that the polling place would be busy but to go during the cooler part of the morning. There were voters.. workers and one person handing out cards.

Chit chatted with the worker overseeing the ballot counting machine... she's not sure she wants to do it in November. I'm sure I wouldn't want to! I worked one presidential election and it was a madhouse. I'm sure this November will too!

We told all the workers "thank you" for their work!

Our younger daughter stopped by ... we had an errand. Stopped at LaMar's donuts on the way home... donuts and apple fritters... yum.
She and Bob talked politics afterwards!! Luckily we think the same way.

 Our grandson votes for the first time. He is excited. He and his parents will vote when his Dad gets home from work!


When my grand daughter went to vote she was given the wrong party ballot... she was confused because all the names were unfamiliar until one !  The poll worker was not happy when she took the ballot back and asked for the right party one!! The wrong one was shredded and she was given the right one!!

We have to tell the poll worker which party ballot we want.. Lili did , but was still given the wrong one!!


DrumMajor said...

Glad the granddaughter knew something wasn't correct for her. I thought which ballot was in the voter info rolls. Maybe she's Independent or Unaffiliated, where they have to ask for which party to vote this time. Linda in Kansas


It’s interesting to hear about your granddaughter's experience with the wrong ballot, but I’m glad it got sorted out. Voter experiences like these really highlight the importance of getting everything right for each individual.

I just posted a new blog post at www.melodyjacob.com. I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!