Monday, August 26, 2024

another hot one

 It's been hot again! So we spent the day house cleaning. Not much fun but it needed it and we didn't need to go out anyway!

Even going to the mailbox  was too much!

Lili stopped on her way home from work...DMV license bureau  For the first time someone was unpleasant to her. ... more than unpleasant nasty. He was not happy that he didn't have a receipt from Jackson County saying he paid his personal property tax. Without it she couldn't do what he wanted...that's the rules.  he said he didn't have a printer and so he couldn't print out the receipt... wasn't happy when she suggested he go to the library and print it out!

Funnily enough she wanted to print something  from one of her text books on our printer!! She's really happy with her classes this semester!! Great news!!

Tomorrow is not going to be much better... YUCK!

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Ah, but Friday changes the whole picture, and cool weather will reign for a few days.