Thursday, August 15, 2024

cooler weather gone..

The cooler weather has disappeared... It went up to 91 this afternoon! The Weatherbug has been showing rain daily and though we have gotten some sprinkles I do not call that rain!

My daughter and her family moved Dominic into his dorm room today. UMKC had the drop off well organized... appointments, closed street and so on. So he is in! Everything was daughter made the bed ( really...). My son-in-law hung the pictures...and so. His room mate didn't show... maybe tomorrow? The two suite mates did ... btw, they are female. The bathroom separates the two areas.

Picked up Dominic's books at the bookstore and ordered the ones they didn't have.

So that's that. My daughter says the house is empty... good she and her husband have to go back to work tomorrow!

My day was grocery shopping, making a blueberry crostata. some crafty stuff and reading . Not exactly busy was I?

BTW... my job as far as the move goes was to be available on the phone for anything my daughter wanted to talk about...


DrumMajor said...

You were supervising the move! Linda in Kansas

Donna. W said...

Every busy day should have time for some reading.