Sunday, August 25, 2024

more branches ... and 100 degrees

 Our teacher daughter texted us last night that branches had come down at her house... one on the roof, from the oak beside her deck. The other from the red bud which has been loosing branches at each storm. The red bud may have to come down... not sure about the other. So Bob will go yo her house and check things out...

Then to Laurel's for the postponed dinner...

well.. this afternoon turned out to be really different than we expected. When we arrived at our daughter's we found her internet etc. was totally out. And she had lots of work that she was planning on completing on the computer.. especially important was a grant application due tomorrow.

Surprisingly the Infinity person showed up at the front door with all his test equipment. Before he could start we had to take the dogs outside! Our temps had reached 100 degrees so no one, dogs included , were happy outside.

The  Infinity guy checked all the inside stuff and then has to go outside  over the fence to see the junction boxes. A neighbor came out, a little upset about a stranger back there, but it turns out his internet was out too! His Infinity guy shows up too. Not the neighbor's internet.... but down the line.

Our daughter was told... maybe Tuesday it would be repaired... Not good news!

In the meantime the dogs, the dog handlers ( me and my daughter and Bob) were very uncomfortable. I was sweating like mad... way past the "glow" stage.

Back inside when the Infinity guys left... lots of liquids for all of us. And then home for us. Felt awful.

Two hours later Laurel's internet was back on... not sure for how long so she's back to work on the grant application

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