Saturday, August 24, 2024

thunder rumblings

 I woke this morning to the sounds of thunder... just rumblings... but a forecast for more and rain. Today there are quite a few farmers' markets and road side stands hoping to open. Hope they have some sort of "roofs"!!

We are supposed to have dinner out on our daughter's deck this evening. Fingers crossed, it will be nice enough!! If not... maybe she'll postpone things to tomorrow.....well that's what happened. The weather forecast for tomorrow is ok so we'll do it then.

So instead I decided to get things ready for my quilting/craft group on Wednesday. I "unloaded" the dining room table where I had been making gingerbread boy ornaments, fabric boxes  and a bear.  The bear is for a November online bear show. The boxes are for this group's Christmas exchange.They will be filled with Christmas candy. The gingerbread boy ornaments are for Bob's ham radio fest. I thought maybe they would be something of interest for wives that had been dragged along! 

Since we didn't go anywhere... today became laundry day. All washed, folded and put away. Bob does most of it!!



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