Thursday, August 29, 2024

dreams and pollen alert

 I had one of those dreams where you cannot stop its "direction"... Even after a bathroom break, the dream started up again at the same spot. It wasn't a bad dream... Bob and I took a bus downtown from Blue Springs to "the city"... not Kansas City. After a day of sight seeing we wanted to go home. But couldn't find the bus stop.. totally lost... Even the taxi stand  guy told me they didn't go to Blue Springs. In the last  part , Bob and I got separated. I decided that was enough and got up!!

We have had two pollen alerts! Everyone's noses are running and sinuses are plugged but it is not going to be super hot

Carolyn's kids had outdoor recess today... hot as it was. She sunburns so had found a shady spot she can stand in and supervise the kids. Today when it was time to go in, she found she was surrounded by kids wanting to be in that shady spot!!

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