Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Bob decided yesterday to get to work on an old tree stump in our backyard. The tree was taken down years ago but the stump machine  could get through our two gates so it was just left. It was one of those trees that has super prickly balls. Over the years we have cut down the volunteer growth. But I think Bob had just had enough. Turns out the stump is now pretty rotten and he was about get quite a lot dug up and into the "green" bin. Hooray!

I watched a U-Tube where someone made a little fabric box. Wrote down all his directions and made a paper pattern. The pattern looked  like it would make a box bigger than I wanted... so figured out some smaller dimensions... plus I didn't have scrap fabric big enough but did have enough for a smaller version. One is done...


 I found some larger scraps so will try a bigger one next... ... made it, but I am not sure which size I prefer.. Time to ponder I guess.

I need to send a package so Bob and I went on the USPS "click and chip" site . A newer version showed up and we decided to sign up for it. I use "Click and Ship" to mail my bears and friends... sold from the online bear shows. The newer version seems to work ok. After paying for the postage, I printed out the label. The box is too big to fit in our mailbox so I will leave a note in it for our mailperson and she will come to the front steps to pick it up!! Nice isn't she??

So a "do nothing day" turned out to be busier than I expected

1 comment:

Mari said...

Your fabric basket turned out really nice. I'm impressed you figured that all out from a you-tube video!