Wednesday, August 14, 2024

haircut and lunch

 Bob drove me to my haircut appointment today ( down in the KC Plaza area)... The trip went trough lots of road construction...resurfacing of 47th Street to the building of the KC "trolley" extension.... But we made it on time!

Mark and I had a great time talking while he snipped away at my hair. I left a big pile of hair!! He was adopted from the Philippians at 10.... flew into Chicago with a bunch of kids and a social worker... didn't speak English and  hadn't met his parents to be! I won't tell anymore of his story but he is an immigrant success... loves his parents and siblings... and they love him!!

We decided to have lunch at Ophelia's on the Square in Independence. The square is back to normal.. all the Christmas decorations Hallmark put up for its filming of  a Christmas film are gone.

Our server said it was a hectic time and while Hallmark didn't film in the restaurant lots of workers ate there. She made loads of money ( tips).

Lunch was great... new lunch menu ... enough leftovers for dinner tonight!!

Dominic moves into his dorm tomorrow...

1 comment:

Mari said...

Hi Bettina! Thanks for stopping at my blog. I can imagine how busy it was in your town if they were shooting a Hallmark movie, but so fun too. Hopefully you'll be able to see it when it plays.