Friday, August 9, 2024

Cooler ... hurrah

Yesterday was cooler and today is even cooler. Doors and windows open!!  2pm - 71 degrees

Tigger is even more interested in getting outside so we have to watch him!!  

My early morning trip ( 8 am) to the grocery store was a little bit different. I was just about the only female there. Single senior males were all over. Rushing around like mad... blocking the aisles... filling their carts. Definitely a different vibe!

Stopped at the veggie stand on the way home... purchased lots of wonderful tomatoes!!

It's now 9.52 and 62 degrees!! Love the cooler temps!!


maureenlthompson said...

We are so enjoying the cooler weather too.

Kathy G said...

It is so nice to have the windows open!