Thursday, August 22, 2024

All Gone??

I went grocery shopping this morning. Our Price Chopper was having a special one-day sale event and there some things I wanted plus things I needed. Didn't think it was anything special... picked out my stuff and then started seeing people loading up on all sorts of things... like a grocery cart filled with nothing but paper towels. I had my one... but not a cart full!

My daughter did her shopping after school... hitting all of the stores and ending up at Price Chopper. Again she saw someone with a cart load of paper towels. The shelf was then empty.... and just about everything on the sale was gone!! Even the boxes and boxes of honey crisp  apples I had seen the produce people putting in bins! Guess the $.69/lb was really good. Glad I got mine!!

Maybe that will convince Price Chopper that people really want lower prices and willing to pay for them.

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Often the grocery stores here will put quantity limits on the popular sale items.