Sunday, May 26, 2024

Thunderstorm disaster

Blue Springs got hit pretty badly late last night due to wind gusts up to 85 mph...Trees are down everywhere and roads are blocked. 

 Lots of customers are without power .... LOTS!!

Our big maple down in the corner of our lot lost branches! But the biggest thing is the oak just over our fence in the backyard. Probably half sheared off , over the fence ( don't what its shape it is under all the branches) and ending up just shy of our 2nd story deck!! This is just one section.. another big limb is underneath. looks like about half the tree... is what is left savable?

So far it doesn't look like a trip to the grocery store is in order. The Neighborhood Walmart, near me, is closed due to no power as is Ace Hardware... and Price Chopper is between the two. Bet it's closed too!

Later... my daughter is without power  and has been since 11.00 last night. She came over to charge her phone and to have some hot coffee! Her husband stayed home to see someone about removing all their downed tree limbs.

He came later and we spent a long time sitting on the deck chatting! Both of them kept checking the Evergy website to see where repairs we being done. They headed home about 5 and their power was back on about 6pm.

1 comment:

maureenlthompson said...

Darn, I hope you can get someone to cut it up and take it away soon.