Monday, May 13, 2024

gray day... another one!!

 This morning is gray gray with rain mixed in!! As much as this area needed rain I am beginning to feel like it's been too much.

Mothers' Day was nice... Bob's mother and mine are long gone. We miss them obviously. Our elder daughter made dinner for us... a quiche, salad and zucchini bread for dessert. We ate outside on her deck with her dogs . Harper and Scout did a little begging but not too much. They ate some of the salad (lettuce) which our daughter gave them.. but only if the piece had dressing. Plain lettuce is unacceptable!! LOL.

Made it home in time for a nice long chat with teacher daughter!! The phone ( landline) was ringing as we opened the front door!

1 comment:

Henny Penny said...

We had a very rainy day yesterday...all day! Sounds like a nice lunch on the deck with the dogs. In fact, it sounds a lot like our meals with one dog sitting at my feet and the other at my husband's feet. Funny how spoiled we get them. Thank you for visiting and the nice comment.