Thursday, May 16, 2024

Didn't make it..

 Well.. three of us ( daughter, Bob and myself) all came down with something so we didn't make it to our grandson's actual graduation... RATS.. But luckily the high school did a live feed on it's Facebook stage. We sat in the office and watched the whole thing... speeches and all. Then we watched 500 students come to the stage, have his/her name announced, shake hands with the administrators etc and receive his/her diploma book!!

We waited and waited...finally Dominic!!

When his aunt graduated her class size was almost 800... the biggest ever. Then Blue Springs built a second high school.

update... everything went well but a madhouse. Parking  was "something else" ... expensive and a long walk and leaving afterwards was even more hectic!!

The live feed for us was probably a better a great view of Dominic receiving "the handshake" and hearing his name !! Dominic Charles Lee Holmes!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

What a shame!

In my opinion, live streaming is one of the few positives that came out of Covid.