Friday, May 24, 2024


For my teacher daughter today was the last day of school! The school district has assigned her a new classroom next year so she spent this past week boxing up her classroom "stuff"  and taking the boxes to the new room on one of those carts. Luckily her desk was moved for her!!  BTW.. lots of teachers were being moved. All of them in one because the building is being changed from elementary to middle.

Earlier this week Carolyn's school  district held field days in all the elementary buildings. My grandson ( the one who graduated last week) had no more classes so he went and helped his Mother... all day!  They "ran" the soccer ball bowling game. Lucky Dominic was the one resetting all the pins... He was so exhausted that he fell asleep on the classroom floor during the mid-day break!! Though he did have lunch first!! But he enjoyed things and the kids all enjoyed him ( and marveled over his 6'5" )

Poor Iowa and its 81 tornadoes last week. Definitely going to pay attention to the weather alerts and sirens this season!! We have managed to avoid the latest weather.. the storms went south or  north.. or wherever but not here!!

Memorial Day weekend is here so the other daughter has asked her Father to help her get her grill ready for the first grilling of the season. So off we go tomorrow. They will do the grill and I will enjoy sitting on the deck with the dogs!



Jo said...

Schools finish much earlier there than here. Summer term runs from Easter through to the middle of July and then the schools break until the beginning of September, though it's also a holiday weekend here too and the schools get a full weeks break.

Kathy G said...

Although we've had some pretty strong winds I'm thankful that the tornadic weather has missed our area.