Wednesday, May 15, 2024

still wet and gray

another wet (off and on) gray day... Will we turn green and mildewy??   One good thing.. everything is green and growing like mad! It seems like everywhere has plants for sale...Time to get some??

I went grocery shopping this morning! The woman in the checkout lane in front of me had loads of everything and was in a motorized grocery cart. I couldn't believe her total... $350 plus!! Luckily she had help getting things into a cart and then into her car!! Don't think I have ever heard such a total!! Mine was no where near that!

Bob and I did another one of our round trip tasks.. off to Habitat to drop off stuff... then Disabled vets to do the same thing ( they don't want the same things)... then Target to pick up the gray striped cat's prescription and a graduation card for our grandson... the Home Depot for some plants and work gloves for Bob ,,,and then home. We forgot to stop for gas... will do that tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be just as busy... Dominic's graduation is downtown Kansas City.  We will park our car at Laurel's office and go to the Munical Auditorium via Uber with her. We will meet up with the rest of our family and some friends there. Dominic has to be there early so his parents will take him and then get seats saved for the rest of us! Hope it works out... We haven't done this since Laurel's graduation there in 1989 ! We're doing Uber because parking near the auditorium can be a hassle!!


Donna. W said...

If it was Price Chopper you saw that lady paying so much, a lot of it may have been meat. We were there yesterday and bought a whole tenderloin that the butchers sliced for us, some chicken thighs, and boneless skinless chicken breasts. Although even though we bought enough to keep us in meat for six months probably, along with the ground beef we bought some time ago, we didn’t even get near $100. Maybe she bought a lot of steak! Steak is a thing of the past for us, although once in awhile I will buy a chuck roast.

Bettina Groh said...

Donna... it was our neighborhood WalMart

Donna. W said...

Wow. That's a lot of money! I remember times around Thanksgiving and Christmas that we might have gone over $100, but even with the terrible inflation these days, I never go past $100... and that includes a lot of non-food items when I'm at Walmart.

My husband's oldest sister lives just a few blocks behind that Walmart.