Saturday, May 25, 2024

What a nice day

 Today was really nice even if we get severe thunderstorms and rain overnight! We went to the farmer's market first thing and came home with beets, green beans, mini cucumbers, a loaf of cheese bread, a sweet roll and a large cookie baked by a teenager!Bob's arms were full.

When we got home I cooked the beets and turned them into pickled beets ... yummy! The green beans will be turned into a new to us salad - roasted green beans, tomatoes, garlic with a lemony dressing topped with cheese -feta ? or Parmesan   ?

This afternoon we went out to our older daughter's so that Bob could help her fix up her grill... they had disassembled it last fall... and check on the propane tanks.

Afterwards it was really nice to sit on the deck under the awning and talk. Even the dogs relaxed!

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