Sunday, May 12, 2024

Froggie and Mother's Day

 Here is the 3D froggie I purchased at the farmers market yesterday...

I should have asked the maker how she linked the leg parts together!!

It's a bright and sunny day  ( so far). I found two email Mother's Day cards  in my gmail account from friends far away... so nice!

We will be heading to our elder daughter's for dinner this afternoon. Hopefully it will still be nice enough to eat out on her deck!!

On a nasty note... Tigger the orange cat is not feeling well.. obviously... since he left a surprise in my slipper. Luckily I looked before I slipped my foot into it before I headed outside for the Sunday paper..

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

I hope Tigger's 'surprise' was a one-time event, so you didn't have to worry about him during your special day.