Thursday, May 2, 2024

Early phone call

 The phone ( our land line phone) rang early this morning. Of course I expected bad news and we were in the midst of thunder and rain.. but no.. It was my teacher daughter going off to school in the midst of a horrendous hail storm.

She can do a hands off  call.. which she did, She needed it!! Traffic was going quite slow. Emergency vehicles were nearby..  I could barely hear her with the hail!! She made it almost to her school when the hail stopped!! By then it was raining. Luckily she had an umbrella and could run into school!!

Her day will be different. 4 th graders are doing their statewide testing so she won't have any students. But she does have testing to see whether some students qualify for her gifted program next year!

Later... it rained and thundered off and on all day. I have no idea how much rain we have gotten these past days but it has to be a lot!!

BTW.. the tested kids qualified and will be in the gifted program next fall semester!!

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Thank goodness we didn't get the hail! We did get another inch of rain that came gently most of the day. We didn't need it, but I'm just glad it's raining again. My garden loves it!