Saturday, October 14, 2023

it looked so different

 It was a cold damp cloudy day so no "ring of fire" could be seen... but that didn't stop our work. Our daughter's deck is down and boy did things look different!

My other daughter and her husband helped fill in the dog holes... much easier without the deck and without the dogs. My s-i-l wheeled loads of dirt from the driveway to the backyard!! Bob dug up concrete patio blocks. My two daughters "weezeled" old dirt and raked new dirt into the dog holes. I was told to sit !

 I guess the old deck was more "stuff" than the contractor expected... there was a huge pile of boards etc. alongside the garage. Hopefully he will take them when he is back on Monday to start building!

After we called it quits it was off to a Mexican/bbq restaurant ... which is next to the vet's office. One could here Harper baying in the kennel ( that is where the two dogs are being boarded!)

After eating we split up and each of us went home for a nap !

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