Monday, March 13, 2023


 I did a trip to the grocery store this morning... to my surprise, the car warned me that I might find ice. Yes... it was right since it showed me a 27 degrees!!

The store was quiet and my list and more filled the cart....when I got home Bob helped me unload and bring the bags into the house.

Now the house is quiet... he is off to his 3 times a week cardiac rehab program and will follow that with  a trip to the library..

And I will settle down shortly with my Kindle's e-book!!

BTW... I think we have adjusted to Daylight Saving Time... lol

Had to find something else to do... my Kindle's battery was low!!

My daily call from teacher/ daughter mentioned two lock downs at her school.... the first was duo to a fatal shooting at the apartment complex across the street. The second was due to a medical situation with a student and an ambulance was needed.  So she had to explain lock downs to her first graders... to reassure them that these were for their safety. And if something happened IN the school she would do her best to keep them safe...she found that they really trust her... and she found what a huge responsibility that was...

1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

Your daughter is an angel to have to explain that to such young kids. I only learned about tornados and hiding under our desks from whatever bombs might arrive, and then the Civil Defense stuff in the school's basement. The more innocent '50s and '60s. Linda in Kansas