Sunday, April 25, 2021

Work work work

We ended up yesterday spending almost 4 hours demolishing the old dog house under our older daughter's deck. We ended up with bags and bags of old shingles, wood framing, siding and so on!! Her dogs, Harper and Scout, were in love with the yellow fiberglass insulation.... a real no no !! Every time they managed to get a  piece they would run off  with it in their mouths shaking their heads. And one of us would run off after them to get it back!! Really really not good !!

We were too tired to cook dinner... the dogs were also exhausted... so it was Pizza Hut delivery! Lucky Harper and Scout were treated to pieces of crust !!

This morning I found our cats Tigger ( the tripper) and Jack sleeping together on Bob's recliner !! A very rare site! They spend more time keeping each other at bay or actually squabbling with horrendous noises!!

Off later this afternoon to finish up yesterday's demolition!! Our daughter will already be exhausted... she has lawn mowing this morning!


Kay said...

Wow! You guys are certainly industrious! Tigger and Jack look so very comfortable.

Joanne Noragon said...

Good you can still help with all those pesky jobs.