Sunday, April 11, 2021

roller coaster days

 We have had another bunch of roller coaster weather days... some cold and rainy and some warm and sunny.  We ended the week ( today) with a warm and sunny day... highs in the 70's !  Very nice!!

Having had my two covid vaccines I took advantage of all the Kohl's discount coupons and actually went into our local store.!!I was looking for some new t-shirts and sheets. Found both... but the shirt selection wasn't great.... after all that I ended up with Kohl's cash and went back today to redeem it... spent it and didn't have to add  money. So that was a success!!

My grandchildren at 14 and 18 and no longer want/need the swings/fort contraption in their backyard. So my s-i-l advertised it on Facebook's marketplace.... small price but the buyer had to take it down and remove it. Instant response... the interested parties came over with their  3 and 5 year olds who had a great time trying things out. The father came back with friends and a truck... paid the money and away they went. Everyone happy.... funny enough my daughter's dog was really puzzled by the missing swings!! My daughter is planning a fire pit to take the swings' place!!

I can see them sitting around roasting marshmallows and making Some Mores!! 


Joanne Noragon said...

I remember when the grand's gym contraption left! It went to a good place.

Kay said...

We had a swing set too, but by the time we had to let it go, it was in pretty sad shape so had to be discarded. How wonderful that another family could use your swing set. Once we got our shots we felt a little safer, but we're still as careful as can be.