Saturday, January 13, 2024

Wow!!!! COLD

 The temperature is -9 F right now!! Luckily I did my running around early mid-morning. I was all out of polyester fiberfill for stuffing bears and friends and so headed off to Hobby Lobby for a bag , some more pins, scrapbook paper. tissue paper ( for wrapping when sending bears and friend off in the mail!) and craft glue!!

It was cold but not bad. When I walked out of Hobby Lobby it started to snow and the temp dropped. But we needed a few groceries so I stopped at Price Chopper just to make sure we had everything just in case.

When I left PC it was even colder. I tried putting things in the trunk but it was frozen shut... put them in the front on the seat and foot well. As I was about to head home I noticed two cars had had some sort of accident and the owners were talking about who was going to pay!! Right in front of my car!!

When they had things settled and the one at fault drove off, I headed home....I was really cold by then. Traffic had increased... the road was getting slushy.

Bob and I unloaded the car and I put things away... very glad to get home and warm up!!

So all day ( it had stopped snowing) it got colder and colder...and it will get even colder overnight. Neither of us wanted to go out and get the mail!!


DrumMajor said...

The mail usually stays there until you get to it. Enjoy your warm cozies inside. Linda in Kansas

Kathy G said...

This morning I had to go outside and get the newspaper. It was no fun!