Friday, February 26, 2021

a week of warmer

 We were so glad to say "goodby" to the really cold temps. One day it even got into the 60's... though it has settled into the 40's now.

All the snow has melted!!  Even the piles that Bob made when shoveling the driveway!!

So now it's just wait to hear about the vaccine ,,, and to watch a worker put siding on the house behind us. He is working all by himself and the house looks good.  Goodbye board and batten and hello vertical clapboard looking vinyl (?) siding.

Our teacher/daughter is back in her school building several days a week. Since she is a pullout teacher ( gifted program)  she doesn't have students physically but still virtual. Confusing... as the area covid rating goes to green... then she will start having students bused to her classroom from various elementary schools.

Daughter #2 stopped by on her way home the other day with her sister and her new rescue puppy. Now named Scout to go with dog #1 Harper Lee !! 

Scout is tiny  .... about 10 weeks old from a large hoarder rescue....

This is several days later. Scout now has a "playpen" and a bed. She needs a place to get away from Harper Lee who is ALOT bigger. They get very rambunctious at times but they seem to be getting on well!  Harper Lee needed a companion... though I would have waited until Spring !  Puppy pads are helping with housebreaking Scout!!  My daughter was told that Scout was part lab... maybe... but I don't think she will grow to the 50 lbs the rescue people said.  She has a small frame and small feet!! But is super cute and always hungry!!


Joanne Noragon said...

New puppies. So much fun. So much work.

Kay said...

Awww... What a cute puppy. I'm glad that Scout now has a happy home.