Monday, March 25, 2019

water water everywhere

North of Blue Springs ( my home ) water has breached the levees all over the place ... SE Nebraska, SW Iowa, NW Missouri. Inundating towns and farms. Many farmers have last season's grain in bins and those who didn't remove it in time have lost it.  Towns have been sand bagging. Taking hay to stranded cattle. 
The river's crest is moving down stream and will be in the central part of Missouri shortly.  The Water Authority has asked the places that use water from the Missouri River to conserve their usage. Blue Springs gets some of its water from this and some from aquifers near the River. BS has turned off its water from the Water Authority to help in this.
We had a lot of flooding in '93 and I remember how long the land took to recover. River water carries lots of silt and junk which it leaves behind on flooded land. Farmers will have problems. The Corps of Engineers "took" land land  to help in future curbing  of the Missouri River and there is talk that this might happen again. People are not happy with this possibility.

I saw a video on Facebook... taken by a local TV station... of the river current. It was amazing and horrendous at the same time.

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