it doesn't seem quite fair... but our Christmas elves passed on the plague to their visiting uncle, grandfather and myself. So plans we had to go "out and about" with said uncle have had to be put on hold.
We all felt well enough today to whip up a batch of Robb's famous spaghetti sauce! We then invited the elves and their parents for dinner ... big success ! Our 5 year old grandson bit down on a piece of spicey sausage which led to a never still little boy running around telling everyone, " Mama Mia that's a speecy, spicey meatsie meatball" at the top of his lungs! But dinner was fun though the still sick adults in this house were ready for some quiet time when the elves left!!
By the way... the elves have really enjoyed my Christmas sewing projects.... but the skinny grandson will have to have the elastic tightened. His pj's just won't stay up!!