Wednesday, September 6, 2023

stitch and bi**h... quilting...hen party

Whatever our group calls itself it is great to get together ... tonight was the night. Usually we do a round robin meeting every two weeks but  this summer has been unusually busy... so tonight was the night.

Bob and I spent the day readying things... can't have company with "doing" the cat litter trays...the bathrooms... etc. 

A good night was had by all... Bob decided to join us too. Lots of munchies... catching up stories..and so on.

Leftover food put away... dishes in the dishwasher... trash in the trash can.

BTW... much cooler but muggy that should help with the next electricity bill. One of us had the higher bill ever after the last hot spell! 

We were hazy again due to the Canadian fires' smoke

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