Tuesday, December 6, 2022

warmer today... so lights up!!

It's warmer today so Bob unpacked the box of lights and started hanging them outside. I'm not sure just how many he's hung ( didn't look) . After Christmas we roll up each strand and put it in a plastic bag... so next year is easy peasy. No untangling!

 My job is to hang lights on the deck railings. Last Christmas the squirrels destroyed lots of the strands. I can't imagine that they tasted good. So I shall have to buy new ones!

Tigger, the orange cat, did not enjoy Bob going in and out while hanging lights... started howling to try and find Bob or sat outside the inner garage door.. That cat!! Bob made him a ball of blue painter tape and he has been chasing it now that Bob is done and back inside.

Bob's lighting job is done!!


DrumMajor said...

What a cool toy for a cat! Linda in Kansas

Kathy G said...

One of my cats loved to eat tape, and would attempt to run off with dispensers when I would wrap presents.