Thursday, December 22, 2022

Never ending

Last night was fine... Bob ate some dinner ... watched a little tv and slept in the recliner for awhile. This morning went well too.. ate some breakfast and things seemed to be going normally.

But about 2 pm he mentioned bleeding in his mouth. It ended up being his tongue. We went to the ER ( - 4 degrees!) and spent 4 hours while they tried to stop the bleeding.  They tried everything they could think of.  BTW... lots and lots of blood!!

Of course he is on lots of anti-coagulants because of the heart attack.

While we waited and waited we tried to figure out how he lacerated the top of his tongue.. no real conclusions.  But he is back home... nothing but cold soft foods for two days...


DrumMajor said...

Oh gosh! You have now earned your RN degree by experience! In all of my cardiac nursing years, the tongue bleeding with new blood thinners is a new one. Usually it's bruising on arms and legs, or inside the head, so don't let him bonk his head anywhere! Soft pillows all around him, and marshmallows to protect his tongue! Please have a boring holiday. Linda in Kansas

Kay said...

Good grief! What a scary time you had!