Monday, August 29, 2022

listening to my daughter

 My teacher daughter talks to me on her hands free ( in her car) phone as she heads home each day.... today was a winner. It was raining cats and dogs with thunder and lightning which I could hear!!

She has been back to school for three weeks ( kids for two). Today her new principal has covid. The new art teacher has covid. Probably one of the custodians has covid.  One of the teachers had her car stolen and so had to cope with the police and couldn't make it to my daughter ended up spending her day doing all sorts of things as her school tried to cope!!  And things won't be any better tomorrow!

The other daughter called last night ( 9 pm)... computer problems..big ones. She was working with an IT specialist ( in India) trying to fix things. So my husband had to be part of the process... The IT person via a link accessed his computer and after a lot of things I don't understand downloaded a fix for Laurel's computer into ours. Bob then downloaded it into a memory stick. My daughter picked up the memory stick on her way home from work and will download  the fix into her computer...

Fingers crossed... the download into our computer from India took 8 hours ! While we were sleeping....

I've kept myself busy.. New bears... bear sweaters... bear hats and scarves... and reading. Tigger the tripper likes it when I read though I have to watch out that he doesn't change the pages on my kindle.


1 comment:

Kathy G said...

It sounds like everyone in your family has their hands full.