Thursday, August 4, 2022

Everyone is busy

 My two daughters headed out to a large church in Kansas City which had donated space for Phoenix Family's Operation Backpack! They and lots of other volunteers were going to spend the day filling  about 400 backpacks with supplies for the upcoming school year which starts in about 3 weeks. The backpacks will have paper, pens, rulers, crayons for the little ones, calculators and so on!!

 I imagine everyone will be exhausted by the end... though everyone will have had lunch and a break mid-day...

So what were we doing??? Bob went out let Harper and Scout for a potty break and outdoor time around noon. He also mowed our daughter's ( The dogs' owner) back yard and weed whacked around the fence. When he was done the dogs were more than ready to go back inside...currently it's 90 degrees and the dogs appreciate air conditioning inside just like we do!!

I stayed home... 90  degrees is too much for me ... and worked on pumpkins made from vintage upholstery velvet...

BTW the younger daughter and her family had a great mini get away to Omaha....  here's a photo she sent from the zoo!

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