Saturday, August 27, 2022

busy week

Luckily the temps have gone down a bit.... Scout and Harper have been at work digging under the 6 foot wooden fence and even managed to break one of the slats down at the bottom. So Bob went of the Home Depot ... twice... to buy concrete pavers. Luckily he screwed a wooden 2 x 8 over the broken slat before he put a paver because Harper moved the paver!!

Yesterday we were back to work on our daughter's new deck railings...

Everyone in the family is back to school...teacher, college student and high schooler. And things are going well ( for now?).  Though teacher/daughter's school did have a lock down... gun shots heard nearby.

Went to the farmer's market this morning...fresh bread from the Mennonite booth... lots of veggies... and oatmeal craisin cookies. Yes... I could bake the bread and cookies myself, but I do like to support the market's vendors!! And the veggies taste better than those from the grocery stores!!


Kay said...

I'm hearing on the news about people keeping their kids home from school because they're worried about the possibility of gun violence. Wow! What has our country come to?

DUTA said...

Busy week indeed, but in a good sense: Home Depot, Back to school, Farmer's market.