Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dark and rumbly

 Here it is almost 9 am and it is so dark that we have all the lights on and I am beginning to hear the sounds of thunder!!

I have a check up appointment on Thursday and found an email in my computer requesting an "e-check-in".  Covid is still escalating in Missouri and a mask mandate is in force... so an e-check in is supposed to help. So I did... pages of pages of my history etc. to be updated. Insurance numbers to be verified and on and on. It will be interesting to see just how much the doctors and nurses go over again when I am actually in the office!!

Bob had a call for help from our older daughter yesterday morning... her refrigerator was leaking. He rushed over and they spent the morning taking out food.. removing shelves etc. It turned out that the defrost "tubes" had plugged and were frozen shut.  They cleaned.. melted ice... and put things back together. When he got home Bob was exhausted!  It could have been much harder things to have coped with!!

The online show is  over and boxes were packed and mailed!!  Thinking about the next one - middle of September!

All that thunder and a few lightning flashes and it didn't rsin enough to get iwet under the oak trees!!


Kathy G said...

My oldest son had an issue with his refrigerator where the defrosting tubes kept freezing up. He eventually got tired of the hassle and replaced the refrigerator.

Terra said...

Here in California I do e-checkins too, for medical appointments. As for masks, Obama's birthday party is setting an example for us to not have mask mandates.

Kay said...

I just hate it when we have to deal with a cranky refrigerator.